Unconfirmed reports suggest that Pavel Durov, the CEO of the popular messaging platform Telegram, has been detained in France. According to sources circulating on social media and various unverified news outlets, Durov was taken into custody upon his arrival at Le Bourget Airport, located just outside Paris. These reports claim that the charges against him are extensive, including allegations of terrorism, human trafficking, conspiracy, fraud, and money laundering.

The circumstances surrounding his reported arrest remain unclear, as no official confirmation has been released by authorities or Telegram representatives. Despite the uncertainty, the news has already sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency market, particularly affecting the TON cryptocurrency, which was developed by Telegram.

The digital asset has suffered a significant downturn, losing more than 12 percent of its value. TON, which reached a high of $6.86 earlier on August 24, has since plummeted to $6.07 as this report was being finalized.

As the situation continues to unfold, the impact of these allegations could have far-reaching consequences, both for Durov personally and for the broader Telegram platform. The coming days will likely bring more clarity as more information becomes available.

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